Learn critical tips and ways to increase your metabolism after 50—so you can focus on your quality of life and overall feelings of health and wellness. Boosting your metabolism after the age of 50 stems from healthy behaviors that can ultimately lead to improved quality of life and successful aging.
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Metabolism is different for everyone—and is impacted by a number of variables, including your age, genetics, hormones, sleep patterns, diet and nutrition, and much more. The universal denominator, however, is that metabolism slows with aging.
So what is metabolism? Metabolism, in a nutshell, is the process by which your body converts what you eat and drink into energy—and during this process, calories in what you eat are combined with oxygen, releasing the energy for your body to function.
It doesn’t just take exercise or movement for your body to use energy. Rather, your body constantly requires energy on the cellular level—and your metabolism never stops. You need calories for your body to breathe, circulate blood flow, digest food, grow and repair cells, manage hormone levels, and regulate your overall body temperature. To effectively accomplish or sustain all of these tasks, your body needs a minimal amount of calories, known as your basal metabolic rate (BMR).
There is a range of factors that impact your metabolism:
There are various ways that you can increase your metabolism after 50—but many of these suggestions might require you to change and adopt new healthy behaviors and practices in your day-to-day routine. Don’t be afraid of this evolution though: it’s one of the best ways to increase your metabolism after 50, uplevel your health, and prepare you for the next phase of your life.
Aerobic and cardio exercise is important in all phases of life—but for seniors, here’s how to increase your metabolism after age 50. When you’re nearing retirement age, it’s best to focus on a combination of strength, aerobic, and cardio activity.
A quick note: Before you begin any new aerobic or cardio exercise programs, consult your medical professionals. Based on your personal health needs, you may need to make modifications or limit your activity levels.
For most healthy older adults, 2.5 to 5 hours of moderate aerobic activity weekly is a good benchmark. This can include a range of activities from a brisk walk to a quick swim. Here are some of the best aerobic and cardio activities to increase metabolism after 50:
When you engage in aerobic or cardio exercise, you’ll help keep your muscles strong and maintain overall mobility. Exercise also helps lower the risk of falls and injuries from falls in seniors. Regular physical activity can also help protect your memory, reasoning, and cognitive thinking skills.
Additional benefits of aerobic or cardio exercise include:
Strength training for older adults has a tremendous benefit, helping to enhance long-term health and wellness. When you participate in regular strength training exercises during your senior years, you can help prevent osteoporosis and frailty—while also feeling strong and healthy.
A quick note: Before getting started with weightlifting, consult your medical professionals. Although strength training can offer incredible benefits, make sure that you’re able to perform these exercises safely.
Best strength training exercises to increase metabolism after 50:
Focus on compound movements as these exercises work several muscle groups at once, leading to more comprehensive benefits. It’s important to remember to train your entire body to avoid imbalances and develop all of your muscle groups equally.
Here are a few of our favorite exercises if you’re over the age of 50:
Whether you do these exercises at home with some free weights or head to your nearest gym and rely on the machines, you’ll feel the benefits and gain an excellent foundation. We recommend working out a few times a week—and supplementing extra days with cardio and aerobic exercises.
Some gyms also hold strength and conditioning classes designed for seniors. Check out your local gym classes and see if there’s one that’s the right fit for you.
Proper recovery after exercise is an absolutely vital element of increasing your metabolism after 50. But many seniors don’t properly recover and stretch their muscles enough, especially after a workout.
Here are a few ways to increase your metabolism after 50 and recover properly after exercise:
Hydration plays a powerful role in increasing your metabolism after the age of 50. Chances are, you need to be drinking more water to properly support your body. According to the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine, here’s how much water you should be drinking:
Remember: Those numbers will vary for everyone. Depending on your size, natural metabolism, location, diet, and physical activity, your body may require more or less water.
The benefits of water are truly unparalleled. Here are some of the benefits:
Your body’s hormones—and cortisol in particular—play a big role in metabolism and how reducing your stress levels can actually increase your metabolism.
Cortisol, a hormone that your adrenal glands produce and release, affects nearly every organ and tissue in your body. It helps regulate your body’s response to stress, controls your body’s use of fats, proteins, and carbs, suppresses inflammation, regulates blood sugar, and helps control your sleep cycle. Your body is consistently monitoring your cortisol levels to maintain homeostasis—however, when things go awry, it can cause a number of health challenges.
To keep your stress levels low and your metabolism high, make sure you incorporate stress-relieving activities into your daily routine:
Quality sleep has a powerful role in increasing your metabolism after 50 and ensuring that your brain and overall body health stays optimal.
When our bodies don’t get enough sleep, it has a dramatic impact on your overall health. Lack of sleep actually changes how our bodies metabolize fat and alters hormones that regulate hunger and fullness. When you don’t sleep well, it slows your body from burning fat and affects glucose and insulin levels.
To elevate your sleep routine and make sure that you’re giving the body the rest it needs, consider these tips:
Eating small, regular meals throughout the day can help increase your metabolism after 50 and nourish your body. Although it may feel contrary to public belief, eating often can actually help you lose weight.
Why? Well, because when you opt for a large meal with several hours in between, your metabolism actually slows down. But when you have a small meal or snack every three to four hours, your metabolism continues working—so you burn more calories over the course of the day.
Curating a healthy diet as you age is one of the best gifts you can give your body, mind, and spirit. To uplevel your health, here are some of the best foods that increase metabolism after 50 you can add to your diet.
Fiber is one of the hardest working nutrients available—and it has a truly incredible effect on your body’s metabolism. A high-fiber diet helps lower inflammation, promotes healthy gut microbes, and reduces the risk of heart disease.
How does fiber kickstart your metabolism? Because fiber is the indigestible part of the carbohydrate, your body can’t digest it—but it attempts to, resulting in a metabolic boost as your body burns calories in the process.
According to research, women should consume 25 to 35 grams of fiber daily; men, on the other hand, should consume 38 grams. However, the traditional American diet often leaves our bodies without enough fiber: most adults in the U.S. only consume around 10 grams of fiber each day. Without fiber, our bodies feel hungry, which can lead to overeating.
The best sources of natural fiber include:
One of the easiest ways to increase your metabolism after 50 is to eat plenty of protein. Thanks to a mechanism called the thermic effect of food (TEF), eating causes extra calories to digest, absorb, and process the nutrients of your meal.
Protein, for example, causes the highest rise in TEF, increasing your metabolic rate by 15 to 30% according to research. Eating protein also helps you feel more full, preventing you from overeating.
What’s the best way to add protein to your diet? Here are some of the best protein-rich foods that increase metabolism after 50:
Lastly, recent research is finding that omega-3s in fish oil may play an important role in increasing metabolism. By incorporating fish oil into your diet, you may find an increase in your metabolic rate.
To boost your metabolism through the use of omega-3 fatty acids, you can purchase fish oil capsules and add them to your daily routine.
Foods that increase metabolism after 50 and are rich with omega-3 include:
It’s not just what you eat—but what you drink can have a powerful impact on your metabolism. Green tea and coffee can assist your body in increasing metabolism but beware: caffeine can also disrupt sleep patterns, so it’s best to pay attention to your body and see what works best for you.
Several studies noted that people who consumed at least 270 mg of caffeine each day—the equivalent of about 3 cups of coffee—burned up to an extra 100 calories each day.
If you’re more of a tea person, adding oolong or matcha green tea to your daily routines can boost your metabolic rate. Tea contains health-boosting compounds called catechins. These compounds can work in tandem with caffeine to have a positive effect on your body’s metabolism.
Although adding tea or coffee to your daily routine can be a great way to boost your metabolism, pay attention to feelings of anxiety or difficulties sleeping. If you end up feeling too restless and distracted with the uplevel in caffeine, it’s best to cut down a bit and see if you notice an improvement in how you feel.
How you increase your metabolism after 50 typically includes behaviors that will not only improve your metabolic processes—but you’ll also notice an overall improvement in your quality of life. By eating a nutrient-rich diet, prioritizing exercise, and making sure you’re getting the rest you need, you’ll notice a positive impact on other aspects of your health and wellness.
As you learn how to increase your metabolic rate after 50, remember that many of these methods can be done socially. So give your friends a call and ask them to partake in these activities with you—maybe a nature walk, a yoga class, or cooking a nutritious meal together (don’t forget to prioritize fiber, protein, and omega-3s!).
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