Funeral Insurance - Burial Insurance Plans


Preparing for a funeral of a loved one is no easy task—and if financial resources are tight, it makes it even more challenging. Choosing a funeral insurance plan is a seamless way to ensure your loved ones can celebrate your life and your memory without additional stress or unexpected costs.

What is Funeral Insurance?

Funeral or burial insurance is one of the easiest ways to protect your family from financial hardship and worries when it comes to planning your funeral or cremation.

Funeral life insurance is known by many names, including burial insurance, pre-need insurance, and final expense insurance. Although each offering typically provides you a slightly different product, the ultimate goal is the same: An insurance policy designed to cover the cost of your funeral or cremation expenses.

When you pass away, your funeral insurance will be used to cover the costs of your funeral or cremation services. By opting for funeral life insurance, you can effectively shield your loved ones from the stress and financial hardship of paying for your final expenses.

At Everdays, we include funeral insurance in all of our prepaid funeral and cremation plans. When you purchase a prepaid funeral or cremation package from us, you’ll receive the services you want, delivered by the funeral home of your choice. Buying your funeral in advance—and choosing funeral insurance—is a powerful act of love and a beautiful gift for your family.

Typically, there are two different types of funeral insurance policies:

Final Expense Insurance

Final expense insurance is a life insurance policy that pays a flat amount to your chosen beneficiary. This amount—which typically ranges from $5,000 to $50,000—can be used to settle your final expenses, including funeral and cremation costs, medical bills, credit card debt, or any additional expenses. Keep in mind that the beneficiaries of a final expense life insurance policy can use the policy’s payout for any purpose—it isn’t specifically earmarked just for your funeral or burial expenses.

One downside of final expense insurance is that although you’ve set aside a portion of funds for your family to use, this insurance option leaves your family with multiple high-stakes decisions to make about your funeral, cremation, or burial during a stressful, difficult time.

Pre-need Insurance

Similar to final expense insurance, pre-need insurance covers the final expenses associated with a pre-planned funeral, cremation, or burial. With pre-need insurance, take care of all decisions and payments well in advance: Simply pick the services and products you want, at the funeral home you want to provide them.

With pre-need insurance priced and paid for in advance, you’ll lock in a rate for guaranteed services and you won’t have to worry about prices rising due to inflation or the changing cost of services over time. Pre-need insurance is the best option if you want to give your family the space to grieve and cherish your memory without any surprise decisions, unexpected expenses, or last-minute stress.

Get the Most Out of a Funeral Insurance Plan with Everdays

With an Everdays funeral or cremation plan, we provide the most comprehensive funeral experience possible—both for you and for your family, friends, and everyone else who attends your funeral.

By working with an A+ rated insurance provider – along with trustworthy and vetted funeral homes – we ensure that your purchase of an Everdays prepaid funeral plan will result in a seamless funeral or celebration of life aligned with your final wishes.

Guaranteed Pre-need Policy

When you purchase a pre-need policy from Everdays, feel peace of mind knowing that all our plans include all the services you’ll need for the experience you want to leave behind. With no surprises or changes to the pricing, rest assured that your family won’t face any unexpected expenses or confusion. One of our favorite things about pre-need insurance is how it eliminates the financial and emotional burden of planning your funeral, giving your family the opportunity to remember and celebrate your life with joy and ease.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Funeral Insurance

The cost of funeral or burial insurance varies depending on your age, gender, and depending on the type of policy may also vary depending on the funeral home you choose to work with or your overall health. Some policies can cost as little as a few dollars per month; others may upwards of a few hundred dollars, and are also largely influenced by the length of your payment term.

Life insurance is a valuable option, however, many families don’t realize that life insurance proceeds are not immediately distributed to families. It can take months or even years to gain access to those funds. When this occurs, families are forced to pay for the funeral themselves—and many don’t have the funds available. Choosing preneed insurance for your prepaid funeral plan will help save your family the stress of paying expenses out of pocket and planning a funeral aligned to your final wishes.

With Everdays, purchasing funeral insurance is simple and included with your funeral package. Your payment will be held by Homesteaders Life, a 100-year-old, national, A+ rated insurance company, to ensure full package delivery to the funeral home you’ve selected when the time comes. If you change your mind or move somewhere else, our care team will help you switch to a different funeral home provider.

Funeral insurance covers the costs of your final arrangements, which can include various services and allowances depending on your wishes – a funeral service, viewing, memorial service, visitation, burial, cremation, casket, or urn, among other items. If there is any money remaining after all the funeral and/or cremation services are performed, your family can use it to pay for any additional expenses.

When you secure your final arrangements ahead of time, you save your family the worry of making decisions themselves and handling unplanned expenses. With memorial costs expected to rise by 30–40 percent over the next 20 years, buying at today’s prices will save you, your family, and your estate thousands of dollars.

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Plan Ahead, and Ease the Burden for Loved Ones

Choosing funeral insurance is one of the simplest ways you can support your loved ones after your passing. It eliminates any financial hardship and provides them with the space needed to celebrate your life, connect with one another, and remember your legacy.

At Everdays, we’re dedicated to helping families across the nation with their end-of-life planning. From funeral insurance to cremation services and more, we offer a pleasant way to plan your funeral 100% online, as well as turnkey funeral and cremation packages that are designed to meet your unique needs. All of our packages feature pre-need funeral insurance, so your final arrangements will be taken care of in advance.

If you’re curious about pre-need insurance plans and how we can help, we’d love to hear from you.


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